Welcome to your Dyslexia (Age 11-14)
Does your child have difficulty understanding and remembering what they read? - Example: Struggles to recall key details or the main idea of a passage.
Does your child have difficulty organizing their homework? - Example: Often forgets to write down assignments or loses track of them.
Does your child have inconsistent academic performance, excelling in some areas and struggling in others? - Example: Does well in creative subjects like art but has significant difficulty with reading and writing.
Does your child confuse mathematical symbols like 'x' for '+'? - Example: Mixes up symbols, making simple calculations challenging.
Does your child need a calculator for simple calculations? - Example: Finds it difficult to do basic math without a calculator.
Does your child have trouble with handwriting, making it difficult to read? - Example: Produces messy, illegible handwriting despite effort to write neatly.
Does your child have difficulty with writing tasks, such as essays and reports? - Example: Finds it hard to organize thoughts and produce coherent written work.
Does your child have difficulty with mental arithmetic at speed? - Example: Takes longer than peers to solve mental math problems.
Does your child have difficulty using dictionaries, directories, or encyclopedias? - Example: Struggles to find information quickly using reference materials.
Does your child have difficulty processing information quickly? - Example: Needs more time to understand and respond to information.
Does your child write very little but get straight to the point? - Example: Provides concise but meaningful written responses.
Does your child have difficulty taking notes in lessons? - Example: Struggles to keep up with note-taking during lectures.
Does your child write a lot but often loses the thread of their writing? - Example: Starts writing a story but veers off-topic midway.
Does your child have difficulty with note-taking and summarizing information? - Example: Finds it hard to pick out key points and summarize them effectively.
Does your child have trouble learning a foreign language? - Example: Finds it particularly challenging to learn and retain new vocabulary and grammar in a second language.
Does your child appear to know more than they can commit to paper? - Example: Can verbally explain concepts but struggles to write them down.
Does your child find holding a list of instructions in memory difficult? - Example: Needs to be told tasks individually rather than in a list.
Does your child have difficulty remembering tables and basic number sets? - Example: Struggles to recall multiplication tables or simple addition facts.
Does your child misunderstand complicated questions? - Example: Often needs questions to be rephrased or broken down.
Does your child spell the same word differently in one piece of work? - Example: Writes "because" as "becuz," "becase," etc., within the same document.
Does your child struggle with learning and remembering mathematical formulas and procedures? - Example: Finds it hard to memorize and apply math formulas and steps in problem-solving.
Does your child show signs of frustration or anxiety about schoolwork? - Example: Gets visibly upset or stressed when faced with reading or writing tasks.
Does your child find tasks difficult to complete on time? - Example: Often turns in assignments late.
Does your child often lose their place while reading or skip lines of text? - Example: Needs to use a finger or marker to keep track of their place.
Does your child appear disorganized or forgetful? - Example: Frequently forgets school supplies, appointments, or homework.
Does your child avoid reading and writing whenever possible? - Example: Prefers activities that don't involve reading or writing, like sports or art.
Does your child confuse upper and lower case letters? - Example: Writes 'D' instead of 'd' and vice versa frequently.
Does your child struggle with spelling, often making the same mistakes repeatedly? - Example: Continues to spell words incorrectly despite correction and practice.
Does your child struggle with punctuation and grammar? - Example: Makes frequent errors in punctuation and grammatical structure.
Does your child read slowly and with great effort? - Example: Takes a long time to read through texts appropriate for their grade level.